Last month I got to experience the most incredibly flower-filled week in Portland. The main reason for our trip was to partake in a rather special flower workshop run by The Little Flower School (Nicolette & Sarah) at Schreiner’s Bearded Iris Farm. A combination of things that proved exceptionally inspiring, joyful and exciting. We were pigs in mud. I was there with three Australian’s – Jardine, Eliza and Josh, and we met many local florists, and others who had travelled with Nicolette and Sarah to help out on the day. We visited flower farms (I’m looking at you Elizabeth), were taught how to water paint by Helen Dealtry, and enjoyed playing with endless leftovers. A notable thank you to Madison of Hart Floral (and her boyfriend Kyle) for showing us some of the amazing countryside beyond the city. You can read about her impression of us lot here. Sorry for the massive overload of pics but it was super difficult to cull.

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