I visited Morocco a few years back. We caught the ferry from Tarifa across the Strait of Gilbrator to Tangiers. The ocean is incredibly luminescent and the sun so strong. We only spent a day in Tangiers before heading to Essaouira, but I remember winding, steep, dusty streets looking out onto that incredible view of the Mediterranean. It’s a rough, mysterious, and beautiful town filled with creative expats including the world renowned garden designer Madison Cox.

TangiersTen or so years ago Cox bought a run down house perched on the cliffs of Tangiers. A lot of care and thought has gone into the renovation of the house and bringing alive of the garden. The one and a half acre garden is long and narrow and has a high white masonry wall on one side and cliff edge on the other. Within the garden he has a free standing library, swimming pool, guesthouse, chicken coop, stone paths, terraces, and flower and vegetable beds. It’s a relaxed design, and looks like a total pleasure to be amongst.

TangiersTangiers10well-cox-custom1Photographs by Oberto Gili for the NY Times.

My sister was also in Morocco a couple of weeks ago. Her pictures are lovely so I thought I’d include some here.

F1020031MoroccoF1070026F1000016F1010002F1070030F1030028F1030019F1020011F1020012F1020028Photographs by Olivia Kaplan and Pierre Voirin.